Request for Exception to the Limit on Summer Appointment

Form Instructions

This form is required for 9-month faculty who are requesting approval to work during the summer between 5/16 and 8/15 when compensation will be in excess of two-months (the equivalent of more than two-ninths compensation).

This form is not required and should not be used for summer appointments that are less than or equal to two-ninths compensation.

If an exception of more than two and one-half ninths compensation is being requested, justification from the faculty member, the unit executive officer, and the dean are required.

IMPORTANT: If this request is for greater than two and one-half ninths and involves sponsored project funding, you will need to have the document(s) compiled in one file to attach at the time of form submission. Only provide the applicable page(s) in the budget and justification that specifically reference and support the summer compensation requested. A PDF file is preferred.

Requests for summer employment which result in compensation in excess of two-ninths must be submitted via this form and approved (either by the Dean or by the Chancellor or designee) prior to the start date where summer compensation will exceed two-ninths. Any requests not receiving prior approval will require documentation and justification for non-compliance with The General Rules of The University of Illinois.

For further information, please refer to the Guidelines for Summer Appointments.

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