NAPRRS/NC229: ICSVD – Abstract Submission

Abstract Information and Instructions:

All abstracts will be presented as posters. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.

Abstracts are submitted to one of the following subject areas:

  • Virus structure and gene function
  • Virus transmission, biosecurity and area control
  • Host response to infection, including host genetics and innate/adaptive immunity
  • Vaccination strategies and therapeutics
  • Detection, diagnostics and surveillance

See instructions below. All abstracts are published and made public through the meeting website and other venues. A meeting program and abstracts will be compiled and posted on-line at the meeting website as well as distributed to registered meeting participants at the beginning of the symposium.

Abstract Submission Deadlines:

  • July 19, 2024: Early Abstract Submission Deadline
  • September 20, 2024: Extended Deadlines for Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Instructions:

  • Abstracts are formatted using single space, 12 pt font, Times New Roman and submitted as a Word document.
  • Abstracts should be a maximum of one page (8.5" x 11") with one inch margins. Do not put a border around the text area. Do not type abstract in a "text box".
  • The title should be followed first by the authors, and then author affiliations. Use the following format:

    Your Abstract Title

    J.K. Lunney1*, R. Eaves2, R. Rowland2, L. Becton3.

    1USDA, ARS, BARC, ANRI, APDL, Beltsville, MD, 2Department of Diagnostic Medicine & Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,3National Pork Board, Des Moines, IA.

    Abstract text...

  • The title is not underlined, bold, or italic (with the exception of scientific words), nor entirely in upper case

  • Designate with an asterisk (use only an asterisk) the person who is presenting at the meeting.
  • Abstracts should be informative, containing: a) a short statement of the study’s specific objective, b) a brief statement of methods, c) a summary of the results, and d) a statement of the conclusions.
  • Abstracts should not contain figures or references. Black and white tables are allowed.
  • Italicize only scientific words. Do not use special symbols, such as α, β, γ, etc. For example, interferon-α should be written as interferon-alpha.

Special Instructions:

Save the abstract file with the last name of the presenting author and first letter of the first name (for example – EavesR). If submitting more than one abstract, put consecutive numbers after the name (for example – EavesR2, EavesR3, etc.)

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